Monday, March 14, 2011



from the article "Insiders Guide To The Hiring Decision"
How The Hiring Decision Is Really Made

By F. John Reh, Guide

Will You Fit The Team?

Generally, the better you fit with the team and the company culture the more likely you are to be hired. The hiring manager knows that if you fit with the rest of the team he/she will not have to spend time resolving inter-personal conflicts between you and the other members of the team. If you fit well with the rest of the team you are more likely to fit into established patterns and procedures and improve the team's production rather than require a period of adjustment with reduced productivity.

The exception to this is when the manager sees your lack of fit as a good thing. For example, with a very young team, the manager may hire a more experienced candidate to bring a more structured approach to the team.

The hiring manager is going to rank all the candidates for the job based on how well they fit the team and the company culture:

* Are you a good fit with the team?
* Will you fit with existing procedures and practices?
* How quickly will you be able to get up to full productivity?
* Do you have personal traits that don't fit the team, but are desirable?
* Are you a good fit with the overall company culture?


this is one area where hiring managers need to be trained. hiring managers tend to focus so much on whether the applicant can do the job. and because they are pressed to hire for their production, they are more likely to overlook the 'fit' issue.

and this is where HR should come in. first,of course,is to train the hiring managers.then come-up with assessment tools to help the hiring managers make wise decisions. it's still best for HR to do the assessments first and recommend only the best choices to the hiring manager.

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