Monday, March 14, 2011


from the "Insiders Guide To The Hiring Decision"
How The Hiring Decision Is Really Made

By F. John Reh, Guide

You will hear and read a lot of information about what factors influence how the hiring decision is made. In reality, it all comes down to one thing - will hiring you make the hiring manager's job easier. The takes many things into consideration, but the person who gets hired is the one the hiring manager perceives will do the most to make his or her job easier.

Can You Do The Job?

Clearly this is a major consideration. The better you can do the job the easier the manager's job will be. The more skilled you are the less time the manager will have to spend managing you and directing your work. You will need less training if you are already good at the job. This saves the manager time and saves money in his/her budget.

The manager is going to rank all the candidates for the job based on how well they can do the job:

* Do you have the basic skills required for the job?
* How much experience have you had doing the work required by this job?
* What advanced skills do you have that are relevant to this job?
* How much training will you need?
* Will quickly will you be able to work independently?
* Will you be able to help or train others?


most assessments focus on your capabilities and abilities that will help you do the job. however, this is just one of the considerations.

other considerations would be:

Will You Fit The Team?

What Will You Cost?

Is There Outside Pressure?

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