Thursday, March 17, 2011



from the article "Insiders Guide To The Hiring Decision"
How The Hiring Decision Is Really Made

By F. John Reh, Guide

Is There Outside Pressure?

No hiring manager operates in a vacuum. All of us have outside forces that influence us at work every day. The manager has a boss that he/she has to keep happy. The position the manager is trying to fill probably will interact with other departments in the company. The manager of the other department may have preferences for the skills that department wants in the new hire. Human Resources (HR) is concerned that company and government rules and regulations regarding hiring practices be followed. If hiring you is going to cause any problems with any of the outside influences you are less likely to be hired because it will make the manager's job more difficult.

The hiring manager is going to rank all the candidates for the job based on whether hiring them will cause any problems with any of the other departments:

* Will hiring you cause any problems with the hiring manager's boss?
* What other departments will you work with and do any of them have preferences that you don't meet?
* Is hiring you going to cause any problems with the company's hiring practices that will take time or effort on the manager's part to explain or justify?
* Will hiring you cause any problems with government rules or regulations that the company will have to deal with and the hiring manager will have to spend time to support?

Bottom Line

A hiring manager is going to hire the candidate who he or she believes will do the most to make his or her job easier. Every manager today has more work than they have time for and while they recognize that recruiting, screening, and hiring new employees is a critically important part of their job, they will always opt for the candidate who will do the most to help them out by making their job easier in all its different aspects.


this is especially true when hiring for support units. the functions and results of the support groups are heavily linked with those of the other departments. this means that other departments would have a lot of say in the hiring and selection for the support group.

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